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Featured Playlists:
Headphone Samurai- HeadRoom's Headphone Reviews
Our most popular playlist, Headphone Samurai is frequently updated with some of our favorite new products hitting HeadRoom's shelves.

Headphone Manufacturing- The Building of HeadRoom Amps
Watch our techs in action as they build HeadRoom amps & DACs.

Rocky Mountain Audio Fest- 2010
We interview industry reps, insiders, and headphone enthusiasts at RMAF in Denver!

HeadRoom Cribs- Employee “Bios”
A humorous look at some past and present HeadRoom employees.

The Best Headphone Reviews- From the Web
A look at some of YouTube's best headphone reviews, from HeadRoom, Tyll of Inner Fidelity, Jude of Head-fi, and others!

The All Uploaded Videos- From HeadRoom
Still haven't had enough? Check out all HeadRoom videos here!