Ian Dunmore (@Torq) joins the headphones.com and "The HEADPHONE Community" team.

Ian Dunmore (@Torq) joins the headphone.com and "The HEADPHONE Community" team.

We are thrilled to announce that Ian Dunmore, perhaps better known in online audio communities as “Torq”, will be joining headphones.com as Managing Editor for both the main headphones.com site and The HEADPHONE Community

Ian is a long-time music-first audiophile and headphone enthusiast. He has a broad range of experience with audio equipment at all levels and a history of detailed comparative gear reviews.   

In his role he will be coordinating our reviews/reviewers, providing them editorial support as well as continuing to contribute his own reviews and articles. We love Ian's reviews and we think the headphone world is a better place when Ian is writing. 

Headphones.com has been a key part of the headphone community since Tyll Hertsens founded it over a quarter-century ago. Ian has the thoughtfulness, passion, intelligence and values that are central to the headphones.com mission of being the #1 resource for high-quality headphone/personal audio information, reviews, news and articles. 

Here are his last three wonderful reviews, if you'd like to check them out: 

Ian's new headphones.com email address is ian@headphone.com - please join us in congratulating him. We're very excited about the future!

Andrew & Taron Lissimore


P.S. Members of “The HEADPHONE Community” interested in participating in the “Community Review Program,” and manufacturers/vendors with interesting products for review, can contact Ian at “ian@headphone.com.”


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1 comment

Ian Dunmore

Ian Dunmore

Ian (@Torq) here …

I wanted to take a moment to thank both Andrew and Taron for this opportunity.

I’ve been an active member of the headphone community for a number of years now, and have been writing reviews, at one level or another, for a good portion of that time. So, when I was approached about joining “The HEADPHONE Community”, I was both intrigued, and excited – by the stated mission as well as the possibility of taking my involvement in the community to another level.

Both Andrew and Taron have been quite emphatic about two things; first that I would maintain full editorial independence and, second, that content should not be limited to gear sold via headphone.com. These two points were a major factor in my decision to take on this role.

In the short time I’ve been involved so far, it should be a good indication of our future direction that three of the five products directly addressed in new headphone.com content are not sold there. And I greatly appreciate the Lissimore brothers’ explicit support for delivering honest content – free from both the influence of manufacturer sponsorship and with no advertising revenue to drive.

My mission is not to sell headphones or related gear – simply to bring the highest quality, most relevant, original headphone-listening related articles, reviews and their contributors to the broadest possible audience.

I’m very excited about the future here!

-Ian (@Torq)

For members of “The HEADPHONE Community” that are interested in getting involved/contributing content beyond their normal forum posts, or that have desires/ideas for specific articles, please don’t hesitate to reach out – either on the forum (to @Torq) or directly via email at: ian@headphone.com. In turn, I will be keeping an eye out for promising writers and reviewers.

And for manufacturers with products they’d like to submit for review, particularly those that are not already affiliated with headphone.com, I’m also keen to connect. The sooner the better, as we are already building quite a back-log of equipment to cover!

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